I love first reads
The pure virgin ink of ideas
No baggage
No assumptions
Like fresh snow in the morning
Once you have walked through it, It will never be the same
Category: awareness
The Ruin of Faith
Our faith turns to ruins when God starts living in temples and not inside us – Sufi proverb
The Plateaus between
Between jobs,
A change of location,
A change of vocation,
sometimes feels like the valley of the shadow of death.
Sparring over Death
Co-operating into change, especially knowing that dying is part of his plan is the elephant in the room.
“But wait,” I thought, “I’m not the one on trial!”
Re-orienting our view of God
for when you realize that putting it all back together as it was, just won’t do.
Respecting the dog –
We create our own culture, so to speak, by the habits of our daily routine –
Time to be still and listen
. . . it feels that even gravity itself is broken
A Peculiar Habit
“At some point after your death someone will unknowingly make the last mention of you and then you will never be mentioned ever again.”
Coloring outside the lines
Everything, it seems, would be fixed later on when the sheep were divided from the goats.