. . . it feels that even gravity itself is broken
Category: change
Coloring outside the lines
Everything, it seems, would be fixed later on when the sheep were divided from the goats.
Allowing Others to Be
I wonder, have we just been looking at it backwards?
A Glimpse of the Sacred
The light of the moon is a reflection we are told
and we think that’s all there is
The Statue and the Orange
– the gratitude was replaced by a feeling of duty –
When did our remembering accumulate the extra baggage?
Searching for Emptiness
I’ve said before that every craftsman searches for what’s not there . . .
The idea of metaphor came to mind this morning; God as a mother hen, the wind of the spirit, and in particular Jesus’ metaphors of the
The Asphalt Clock
A story: part 6 of 6 –
Embracing the unknowing is the embodiment of faith itself, our acceptance of spiritual risk, where we hold our beliefs with a more open hand.
The Asphalt Clock
A story: part 5 of 6 –
Do the roots of our beliefs sink so deeply into our own perception that we actually trust in what we think we know?
The Asphalt Clock
A story: part 4 of 6 –
What if it’s not about belief at all, but about faith?