A story: part 3 of 6 –
consider that rather than a complete impasse, what we might call a dead end, is perhaps the end of our understanding,
Category: change
The Asphalt Clock
A story: part 1 of 6 –
the storm’s struggle slowly withers , as we mark off time in shoveled leaves of asphalt, peering into the mysterious uncharted territory of renewed vision.
Faith on the Road
You have to let go to be there – and it’s not always by choice.
Old Clothes
I put on the old ways like familiar old worn out clothes. I slip into them without even realizing, and everything feels normal, peaceful . . .
Eye of the Body
From the Bible I have read – “The eye is the lamp of the body” and also “to remove the speck . . .
A Fundamental Re-tooling
If you are going to actually live-in this resurrection, you have to embrace the fact that a fundamental re-tooling is taking place, and lean into . . .
De-con-str-uct-ing – Res-ur-rect-ion
Faith is not the activity of cosmically acquiring anything, or of packing our bags for a holy teleportation to a distant place . . .
Sometimes you have to disconnect from busy and let the dust settle to be productive
It’s here – It’s now – It’s happening
Faith journey? You can ignore it, change it, struggle with it, curse it, laugh with it, or love it. But if you are . . .